Monday, August 9, 2010

Design Excellence: The Slingbox 700U

For its design, the Slingbox 700U truly deserved to be amongst the winners in this years design awards. The idea of making the entire product a heat sink is innovative enough, and yet Sling Media also managed to make the product look amazing. Its solid aluminium body mean that its design is years ahead of other set-top boxes and is sure to be imitated by rival companies in the future. Its use of recycled materials and environmentally friendly processes means that it is also a product that manages to cause minimal harm to the planet, and because the body is made in such a way, it could surely be recycled again in the future.
I could not say that I really agree with the technology though. The idea of purchasing a product so that i could watch my own television whilst travelling seems a little absurd, however I can imagine that there are people that this would appeal to, like those who would wish to follow their sports teams whilst in foreign countries.

From this exercise I found the best way to approach a study of a product was to break it down into its simplest characteristics, like form, line, materials, texture ect. From there is was easy to assess all the details of the product one at a time and gain an understanding of why the it was designed a certain way.

1 comment:

  1. Great use of muted colours that don't absorb the product, but enhances it. The product is cleverly placed, drawing the eye to the centre, while another perspective is also provided for the potential user to have a greater understanding. Awesome job!
